The ABCs of geothermal energy
The blog gives an introduction to the applications of geothermal energy

Financing the circular economy
The tendencies for capital inflows into circular economy is positive globally. "There has been a ten-fold increase in private market funds for the sector since 2016 and the Public equity funds with circular economy as a sole or partial investment focus on average peformed 5.0 percentage points better than their benchmarks in H1 2020". Read more about the insights of this report in which our coufounders Aditi Ramola and Vishwas Vidyaranya participated here.

Video Panel: EPR Regulations in Latin America
Latin America and the Caribbean generate about 541.000 tons/day of municipal solid waste and have a high per capita generation of 1 kg/inhabitant per day. About 90 % of the MSW ends in landfill sites and the recycling rates are between 1-20 % depending on the country.
Several countries in the region are making a shift towards a circular economy and EPR and SPR legislations are helping in this transition. Additionally, the informal sector plays a key role in the region and needs to be integrated into the legal framework. The panel discussion gives an insight into the latest developments on EPR in the region with case-studies from Argentina, Chile, Colombia, and Brazil.
This article originally appeared on be Waste Wise (www.wastewise.be)